but... but... but... It's PEER REVIEWED!!!

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Re: but... but... but... It's PEER REVIEWED!!!

Post by cgarison »

The worst offender for paying to have this crap published is the National Science Foundation. As I have stated before about all the bogus research that is taking place in this nation, it is sad when you are expected to "fake the data" in order to comply with their terms and conditions to maintain future financial support of the US government which is commissioning these studies.

I could go on and preach examples of this to the choir, but that would be wasting valuable time and a perfectly good soap box that might just have another purpose.
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Re: but... but... but... It's PEER REVIEWED!!!

Post by genlock »

You have heard many times about the "Military -Industrial Complex".
That is in Eisenhower's farewell address to the nation.
It is often quoted.
The second part of the speech seems very relevant today, with "global warming"
scares dominating the scientific "thinking" of government.

Here it is:

"Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.


The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocation, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite."
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Re: but... but... but... It's PEER REVIEWED!!!

Post by cgarison »

And in the case of global warming, the political (supposed scientific) elite are wrong as two left shoes. But they have to be this incorrect because John Kerry's son runs a financial exchange that trades (ahem) Carbon Credits. Cap and trade policies are always thrown around Washington along with the bad science because the politicians we have elected for term after term have a financial stake in the false science policy they create. And both elected officials from both parties are guilty of this, not just Dems.
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Re: but... but... but... It's PEER REVIEWED!!!

Post by Arp2 »

"Daddy (government), why does every supposed 'solution' to 'global warming' involve the loss of freedom and liberty of the individual and a worldwide redistribution of income and wealth that makes communists (bleep) in their pants?"

"Uh, heh heh....mere coincidence........just go back to reading your comic book, celebrity mag, and Facebook page, kid......don't make me make you be so busy that you'll be unable to notice anything, at all!"

Following the gubmint's education advice results in human automatons or disconnected dreamers dependent on employers and unprepared to lead or own; following the gubmint''s investment and retirement-planning instruction results in people barely staying even; following the gubmint's instruction on diet and health results in mass morbid obesity, disempowering sickness and weakness, and dependence upon gubmint-controlled healthcare just as people get old enough to figure out that everything they're told is utterly false and wish they could rebel and resist.....

NASA just blamed an individual (always the individual's fault) in a boat supposedly in an unsafe area for the launch delay....until they still weren't ready an hour after the individual in a boat had supposedly been forced away from the supposedly unsafe area....and, then, it was wind...except it wasn't....it was "fuel conditioning".....and, then, it was wind....except it wasn't.....it was a drain of some kind.....

Virtually NOTHING you hear is true.
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Re: but... but... but... It's PEER REVIEWED!!!

Post by Lester »

Whereas Wallop's Island wishes the boat was still there... (and they didn't try to launch a rocket with a 40 year old soviet engine.)
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