Help my station

This is a good place to drop general and weird news, entertainment, and general show prep material that might be interesting to air talent or producers. Hot dog threads ALWAYS welcome.

Moderators: The People's DJ, David Paleg

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Clay JD Walker
Posts: 359
Joined: Sat Jul 13, 2002 6:02 pm
Location: Greensboro, NC

Help my station

Post by Clay JD Walker »

There's so much talent in West Virginia - and it took an opportunity like the one I'm about to talk about below to truly show how great radio is in West Virginia, and how it can be a solid stepping stone to a large or major market.

With that said, I have a very rare opening for a stellar Afternoon Drive Personality on my incredibly cool 93.1 The Wolf in Greensboro/Winston-Salem North Carolina.


Entercom Greensboro’s 93.1 The Wolf (WPAW) has an extremely rare opportunity to join an incredible team of passionate on-air superstars in afternoon drive.

Our ideal candidate is passionate about Country, loves communicating with and being with people, and relates to today’s 25-40 year old female. Strong skills on all social media platforms and an ability to create powerful and original online content are a must.


Strong on-air skills and a love for people are mandatory. 3+ years of on-air broadcast experience is a must. Knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite and Wide Orbit Radio Automation are a positive. The ability to contribute to creating promotion plans and imaging are a plus. Please include a link to your demo or an audio MP3 of 3MB or less.

I think most of you here know me, and my passion for radio. I want to give someone else the same chance to grow that I received 11 years ago. If you, or someone you know has the goods, and is interested in moving south, please reach out here: ... oons/13452

Or e-mail me directly:
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